AASM, Stateful, any user can delete any other? was updated by mrflip
Thursday Oct 09
ticket -
using http basic authentication with IE - not working was updated by mrflip
Thursday Sep 04
ticket -
plugin directory contents not included when using gitwas updated by mrflip 03:53 PM ticket -
plugin directory contents not included when using gitwas updated by mrflip 03:52 PM ticket -
namespaced users/session controllers cause rspec stories to fail. was updated by mrflip 03:11 PM ticket
plugin directory contents not included when using gitwas updated by mrflip 03:03 PM ticket -
Cannot seem to change password length validations was updated by mrflip
Tuesday Aug 26
ticket -
activation email template broken in edgerailswas updated by mrflip 01:39 PM ticket -
New rake scaffold task breaks db:migratewas updated by mrflip 01:37 PM ticket -
Multiple Routes to User Actions May B... was created by mrflip 12:14 PM ticket